The League of Women Voters of Colorado (LWVCO) conducts research, takes positions on and advocates for legislation and government policy that strengthens our democracy and promotes voters rights. Through a deliberative process, our League reviews and votes to support LWVCO’s stand on various local and national issues. As needs arise, recommendations are made to mobilize members to take action collectively or individually.
Members are encouraged to review research supporting positions taken by LWVCO. To learn more and obtain detailed information go to Where the League Stands.
Recent events and news reports highlight alarming proposals and actions taken by our national government. Institutions and the fabric of our democracy are threatened or being dismantled. League members are increasingly concerned and asking for information about these threats. The situation is complex and changes daily. We can only focus on a few issues, specifically using the LWVCO issue statements as a guide. We will watch for information and resources then, if appropriate, post it to our website and/or social media.
It is up to members to determine their own priorities for action. In the meantime, we encourage members to stay informed by following reliable news sources.