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Nonviolent protests are twice as likely to succeed as armed conflicts - and those engaging a threshold of 3.5% of the population have never failed to bring about change.
Source: BBC

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It is up to members and friends to determine their own priorities for action.
We encourage everyone to stay informed by following reliable news sources.



UPDATED 3/9/25

The League of Women Voters of Colorado (LWVCO) conducts research, takes positions on and advocates for legislation and government policy that strengthens our democracy and promotes voters rights. Through a deliberative process, our League reviews and votes to support LWVCO’s stand on various local and national issues. As needs arise, recommendations are made to mobilize members to take action collectively or individually.


Members are encouraged to review research supporting positions taken by LWVCO. To learn more and obtain detailed information go to Where the League Stands.


Recent events and news reports highlight alarming proposals and actions taken by our national government. Institutions and the fabric of our democracy are threatened or being dismantled. League members are increasingly concerned and asking for information about these threats. The situation is complex and changes daily. We can only focus on a few issues, specifically using the LWVCO issue statements as a guide. We will watch for information and resources then post it to our website and/or social media.


It is up to members to determine their own priorities for action. In the meantime, we encourage members to stay informed by following reliable news sources.


The following highlights issues and priorities that will guide LWVUS efforts.




Trump Administration’s Weaponization of Government Against Americans

By Shannon Augustus

Press Release / Last Updated: February 6, 2025

WASHINGTON — Today, the League of Women Voters of the United States CEO Celina Stewart issued the following statement in response to actions taken by the new administration and the impact on voters.  

“In the first 17 days of the Trump administration, we’ve witnessed nothing short of the weaponization of government against Americans. The callousness of the most recent actions, including the terrorizing of the immigrant community, shows a blatant disregard for the well-being of the American people. We’ve seen the weakening of the Department of Justice’s civil rights work, continued attacks on people of color and the LGBTQIA+ community, and the elimination and freezing of humanitarian aid to other countries. These efforts are dangerous for our country, compromising our international ally relationships and putting many Americans’ livelihoods at stake.  

“As an organization committed to empowering voters and defending democracy, the League is outraged by the current administration’s actions against the American people. We are equally concerned about the inaction of our elected officials in Congress to exercise their constitutional authority and put a stop to this attack on democratic institutions, Americans, and the rule of law. 

“Over the past few weeks, we’ve witnessed a number of alarming actions from the executive branch met with little response from our elected officials in Congress. All members of Congress have a responsibility to serve the people they represent and swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. Congress is undermining the system of checks and balances upon which this country was founded by not responding to the executive branch’s violation of the law and encroachment on its authority. We call on Congress to act now to stop the infringement on its legislative authority and respond to the ongoing assault on our democracy on behalf of the American people.  

“For over a century, the League has remained steadfast in our commitment to the American people and our democracy. President Trump’s latest actions put both in deep jeopardy. We call on our elected officials to stand up to tyranny, protect our democracy, and honor their oath to the American people.”  

What the League does.

  • Inform and educate: We carefully curate sources of information that help make sense of issues and candidates.
  • Turn out the vote: We encourage citizens to exercise their hard won right to vote. As a nonpartisan organization, we do not support or oppose any political party or candidate. We are focused on promoting democracy and the common good, regardless of political affiliation.
  • Build trust in our election system: Colorado has one of the most solid election systems in the nation. It is reliable and secure.

What you can do.

  • Get out and VOTE! Remind and encourage your family, friends and neighbors to vote.
  • Volunteer: Your involvement directly contributes to making democracy work. Whether it's through voter registration drives, hosting candidate forums, or working on specific projects, your efforts have a real impact.
  • Donate: We need you or financial resources to continue activities throughout the year. Become a member or renew your membership. Encourage your family, friends or colleagues to join the League.

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Voter Service

The League of Women Voters of the Uncompahgre Valley provides information about how, when and where to vote. We never endorse candidates but we organize forums so voters can learn about and meet candidates.

Education & Advocacy

The League of Women Voters of the Uncompahgre Valley organizes events in Montrose, Delta and Ouray counties to share information about elections, ballot issues, candidates, and voting.

Making Democracy Work

The League of Women Voters of the Uncompahgre Valley is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging informed and active participation in government. It influences public policy through education and advocacy. We serve the residents of Montrose, Delta and Ouray counties in Colorado, and welcome members of any gender.

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