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🔥🔥🔥 Take a look at our EVENTS page to find the latest candidate forum or other educational activity of interest to you.

View Recordings of LWV-UV sponsored events:
    9/24/24 Colorado House District 58 Candidate Forum
9/28/24 Delta County Commission Candidate Forum

Flummoxed by the 14 ballot issues described in the Colorado Assembly's Blue Book you received in the mail? Watch this informative video. It's about 40 minutes long and worth the watch. You don't want to ignore this stuff. These proposals have the potential to become law.

Quarterly edition of The Voter, published 10/2/24.
    * Leadership Message
    * Welcome New Members
    * Events
Next edition will be available early January 2025.

Great information from the Delta County Library Online Library Tutorials: Is That True? Video Primer on Why We Believe False Things Online. View here.

Complete the Member Interest Survey.


Everything you need to know about Election 2024 prepared by LWV Colorado.

Click here

What the League does.

  • Inform and educate: We carefully curate sources of information that help make sense of issues and candidates.
  • Turn out the vote: We encourage citizens to exercise their hard won right to vote. As a nonpartisan organization, we do not support or oppose any political party or candidate. We are focused on promoting democracy and the common good, regardless of political affiliation.
  • Build trust in our election system: Colorado has one of the most solid election systems in the nation. It is reliable and secure.


What you can do.

  • Get out and VOTE! Remind and encourage your family, friends and neighbors to vote.
  • Volunteer: Your involvement directly contributes to making democracy work. Whether it's through voter registration drives, hosting candidate forums, or working on specific projects, your efforts have a real impact.
  • Donate: We need dollars to fund our activities this fall — specifically our Energizing Young Voters initiative. Become a member or renew your membership. Encourage your contacts to join the League.


For Your Consideration During A Time of Breaking News

It’s a good reminder to check multiple news sources, be wary of content that would make you or others especially emotional, and only share accurate info– don't repeat disinformation, it just gives it more oxygen.


Be the person your family, friends and community looks to for reliable and responsible information. We encourage you to spot and fight disinformation now.


How to Spot It

👉🏼 Be skeptical: Seem too extreme to be true? We live in wild times, if it seems bonkers, it probably is.

👉🏼 Look at multiple sources: Don't just count on one news or information source- verify what you're seeing by checking around.

👉🏼 Beware of emotional content: There's lots of real info that's upsetting, but disinformation counts on our emotions overruling our reason- things that make us angry create division.


How to Stop It

👉🏼 Share accurate information: Seems obvious, but this means both being a reliable source for your friends and family AND not sharing disinformation in order to disprove it- that just gives it more oxygen.

👉🏼 Know the reliable information sources: Government websites provide accurate information, so look for websites that end in .gov. But don't stop there- look at scholarly articles that are peer reviewed and news sites that cite their sources.

👉🏼 Call out friends and family with kindness and respect: Be that reliable source in your own networks, but let people know when they've made a mistake- something we all might do- start by sharing the correct info privately. If that doesn't work, just share the right info without being emotional or rude.


A tip of the hat to our sister league in Ohio.


2024 Election News and Information

Including how to:
     ➡️identify mis- and dis-information
     ➡️find your county election office



Upcoming Events

Voter Service

The League of Women Voters of the Uncompahgre Valley provides information about how, when and where to vote. We never endorse candidates but we organize forums so voters can learn about and meet candidates.

Education & Advocacy

The League of Women Voters of the Uncompahgre Valley organizes events in Montrose, Delta and Ouray counties to share information about elections, ballot issues, candidates, and voting.

Making Democracy Work

The League of Women Voters of the Uncompahgre Valley is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging informed and active participation in government. It influences public policy through education and advocacy. We serve the residents of Montrose, Delta and Ouray counties in Colorado, and welcome members of any gender.

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Days until 2024 General Election
Days until 2024 General Election

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